Changing of the guard at ASIB
With the Automatic Sprinkler Inspection Bureau celebrating its 50th year of operation in 2020, it has several milestones worth highlighting. Originally started by a group of short-
The challenge of designing rationally
Continuing the ASIB series -what is rational design?
The importance of being regular – why maintenance is important
People take great care to look after their valuables like cars, taking out insurance and making sure they receive regular services. So why would you not do that when you have a war
A quick recap of issues facing the fire industry in South Africa
Our regular series on ASIB contains some useful information around the areas of fire protection, inspections and understanding why protection for people and buildings is important.
So many standards, so little time
Clearing up some confusion around the standards associated with fire sprinklers, the sixth part of our ASIB series touches on a highly misunderstood aspect of the industry.
Burning money – the cost of fire
Now that we know enough to understand how a sprinkler system works perhaps we should take a closer look at some of the statistics on hand around fires and sprinklers in South Afric
Sometimes less tech is better
The fourth in our ASIB series - how fire affects the combination of technology and sprinklers
How do you even do an inspection?
The third part in our series on ASIB - how does someone inspect a sprinkler system?
It’s not Hollywood – myths around fire sprinklers
The second in our series on ASIB - what would Hollywood do if sprinkler systems didn't operate the way they are portrayed in movies?
A warm (but not fiery) welcome to ASIB
We partner with a diverse range of clients at CN&CO, from travel companies like Club Med to fintech companies like EasyEquities. Part of what makes our work interesting and dyn