The Ink Link: Accepting the ink so you can make the link…
Llewellyn believes being open to people with body art allows us to have more meaningful connections, new experiences and great stories.
What do running, ERP and friends have in common? More than you realise!
Life is about connections – joining the dots and building relationships.
How can we learn from young thinkers?
The internet offers us phenomenal opportunities and spaces to connect with and learn from the world around us. I am a huge advocate and very bullish around the future of podcasts d
Let’s connect on Clubhouse
It is an invitation-only audio-chat social networking app launched in 2020 by software developers Alpha Exploration Co. Clubhouse, the new social media platform on the block is gen
The future of flight – Flying across Australia without an aeroplane
Naturally, Jennie likes to dream big and so set her sights on a feat that no one has accomplished before… Her mission? To be the first person to fly across Australia without wing
Learning from human resilience – TED Circles hosted by CN&CO
Have you had moments when your inner world and emotions affected your outer-world and other people? What do you do to mitigate those feelings if/when they arise?
The company we keep – Mimi Nicklin and her magical empathy dust
The Company We Keep is a column on the CN&CO blog that profiles some of the most interesting people in our networks. Here we share the details of the lives of people we know, showc