This blog was written by Carel Nolte, who makes the case for strangers becoming friends...
What do running, ERP and friends have in common? More than you realise!
Life is about connections – joining the dots and building relationships.
I Wish Someone Had Told Me – How delicious the ribs are at “The Diner”
“I wish someone had told me” is a series of posts that feed into our inquisitive nature at CN&CO. Each week we hear from someone in our network about something interesting
South African women are badass
It struck me in a conversation I recently had with my sister, that South African women really are pretty hardcore.
Smiling hair, happy beards: A Turkish barber is the company I keep
The Company We Keep is a column on the CN&CO blog that profiles some of the most interesting people in our networks. Here we share the details of the lives of people we know, showc
The Company We Keep: friends, family and summer holidays
So much of our life is built on relationships and yet often when life gets full one of the first things that we push to the side is people…
I wish someone had told me about how technology can bring us together
Technology, or more like cellphones have a pretty bad rep. Simon and I have to remind each other every now and again when we are sliding into the abyss of mindless, and valueless s
I wish someone had told me that builders are amazing
This week’s 'I wish someone had told me' post is by chief señor Carel, who loves having mates over for a braai at his new home.
I wish someone had told me how easy it is to be happy
Once a week, a CN&CO team member or friend writes a blog in our series – I wish someone had told me. This week's installation comes from Carel.