Charity begins … everywhere. How giving makes you rich.
An old maxim some hold dear states that “Charity begins at home”. While that may have been true long, long ago, in today’s agile, connected, Covid-ravaged and div
Charity begins at
EasyEquities investors (aka EasyVestors) are a charitable bunch. In 2020 the platform added an option called “Donate for Good” where EasyVestors are able to make a small or lar
A wonderful way to spend the money I earn
Every month, on the 26th of the month, R300 exits my bank account, and it goes towards educating a young man in Johannesburg. I have never met him
In the saddle: The power of giving
Over the last 12 months, I have experienced a lot of change and shifts in perspective. These shifts have exposed me to a bigger world and allowed me to think differently.
Small bites for small kids
With Youth Day fast approaching and June being Youth Month in South Africa, the Thai Africa Restaurant Group will proudly be doing their part not just to raise awareness around an