Are high-end property owners scaling down? Lightstone sheds light…
All the banks and estate agents, as well as other organisations need data to make informed decisions. This comes down to having comprehensive data and analysing it effectively &#
Lightstone insight – house price indices for residential property
Lightstone Property, good friends and client of CN&CO, are big on data analytics. They provide comprehensive data about property, automotive and business assets in South Africa
Lightstone sheds light on property prices
We work with an interesting and diverse group of clients. One of our most established clients, Lightstone Group, crunches massive amounts of data relating to the property and auto
Lightstone insight: Gauteng might be the province of gold, but the Western Cape is turning silver
We’re big fans of great content and interesting ideas. Every now and then, we come across a gem of a read. The monthly newsletter from our client, Lightstone, is one of those gem
Lightstone’s house price indices
Technology has revolutionised just about every industry and it’s no different for the property sector. Thanks to advancements in processing capabilities it is possible to analyse
Lightstone insight – salary needed to afford various properties across SA
Every now and then, we come across a gem of a read. The monthly newsletter from our client, Lightstone, is one of those gems. It always contains interesting insight and content fro
Some holiday fun with Lightstone
Between 2015 winding down and 2016 popping up on us with barely any warning, we have to get through the holiday season. With the holidays, Lightstone (our good friends and CN&a