The Purple Group MAP Shoe Gift
One of the initiatives that the Purple Group have started and are fully engaged in is the #PurpleShoeBoxGift. Helping disadvantaged people living in an abandoned shelter outside Tu
Purple Group release their half year results
Our mates at Purple Group have released an impressive set of half year results following their strong financial results for the year ended 31 August 2018 which were released in Nov
The portrait project recap
The portrait project began at CN&CO in 2015 when the CEO of the wealth and investment division of a large global bank asked us to get hundreds of individual portraits of its st
IN THE SADDLE: ‘Everesting’ for charity
Joshua Nuttall, head of CRM at CN&CO client Purple Group, is crazy about cycling and helping people in need. In his regular column on our blog he talks about his cycling exploi
Gear up for the Telkom 94.7 Cycle Challenge
The Telkom 94.7 cycle challenge is the world’s second-largest timed cycle race after the Cape Argus Cycle Race. It is held annually on Cycle Challenge Sunday, the third Sunda
In the saddle: The three P’s
Purple Group’s Joshua Nuttall shares his thoughts on bettering yourself.
CN&CO Fin-blog recap for the week ending 24 March 2017
Team CN&CO love financial services (among other things) and we enjoy reading about what’s happening in various quarters of the industry. Here are our favourite fin-blog (and
IN THE SADDLE: Early mornings and time to think
Joshua Nuttall is part of the marketing team at Purple Group, a CN&CO client. He uses his IN THE SADDLE column on our blog to share the thoughts that pop into his head while he
CN&CO Fin-blog recap for the week ending 10 March 2017
Team CN&CO love financial services (among other things) and we enjoy reading about what’s happening in various quarters of the industry. Here are our favourite fin-blog pick
CN&CO Fin-blog recap for the week ending 17 February 2017
Team CN&CO love financial services (among other things) and we enjoy reading about what’s happening in various quarters of the industry. Here are our favourite fin-blog pick