Livingstone Crichton celebrates 100 years of legal excellence
How many companies do you know that have been around for 100 years? At CN&CO we’re really privileged to have a close association with Livingstone Crichton, a firm of attorneys that’s been around since 1915.
On the evening of 10 September 2015, the CN&CO team put together a centenary celebration event for Livingstone Crichton at the Inanda Club in Johannesburg.
“What we love about our relationship with Livingstone Crichton is that it exists on so many levels,” says CN&CO’s Carel Nolte. “On a personal level, I have known Lee Astfalck, a partner in the firm, for many years. Professionally, Lee is on the CN&CO board, Livingstone Crichton are our CN&CO lawyers (as well as being my personal lawyers) and we do bits and pieces of marketing work for them – including the event management for last night’s function.”
So how does it work, then? A company that’s over a hundred years old working with a company that’s just over a month old?
“It works like a charm,” says Lee. “We have very similar values and passion for our work. The only difference is that we wear suits and ties, while the guys at CN&CO are more jeans-and-takkies oriented. There’s a mutual respect between our two companies that transcends age or dress code – and that’s what solid relationships are all about.”
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