No holding back
In the three months since I left the wonderful world of underwriting, I have been exposed to a number of situations that are new to me. Some have been exciting, some I have learnt from, and some I had no idea what was happening. Scratch that, I have also learnt from that last scenario.
I am a logical person; I like to analyse things before making a decision. And for this, Carel likes to call me “Needy-Bader” and give me gears about it and how I must change my ways – which is much easier said than done. What’s the saying, a leopard never changes its spots? But one of the many big things I have learnt here at CN&CO is that you can do anything. Don’t let anyone hold you back – particularly yourself.
So with that, I am trudging along hoping that I do not mess up. And it’s difficult. As mentioned, I am a logical person. It was easier in the underwriting world. I would be able to provide sound, logical reasoning for why a particular rate or cover needed to be applied. The broker would do what they do and broker a deal to ensure all three parties win – the insurer, the broker and the client.
Whereas in my current job there is a lot of people-pleasing and trying to get across a particular point or suggestion. Ultimately, the client is right. But that is something that I am learning to wrap my head around – knowing when to fight for the cause and when to relent on an idea. As with anything in the world, you won’t be able to change someone’s mind; it is up to them to want to change it. (Uh, imagine that. Just by writing this piece I have had a small epiphany!)
One thing that I have taken to like a duck to water is the dress sense. Or at least I believe I have. Gone are the suit pants with corporate collared shirt and shiny black shoes. I am loving the casualness of, weather dependant, shorts and slops or a nice pair of casual trousers with a golf shirt and sneakers. Even when seeing clients it is this casualness that shows them that we take what we do seriously but not ourselves.
As it turns out, this leopard can change his spots.