Diary of some MADmen – Entry eight – 2 March
Diary of some MADmen is a weekly entry from three crazy guys who are part of the #TEAM18 for MAD2run. They will be running from Joburg to Cape Town, in relay, to raise funds for the MAD Leadership Foundation. For those of you who know the three guys; Josh, Kurt and Allan, what they say in their weekly diary entry could more often than not, be taken as them fooling around. But, as they are all Elite Athletes, we aren’t entirely sure if they are…
If you’d like to get involved and support the cause, click here to do so.
Dear Diary,
It has been an interesting week! You know how people carbo load on pasta? Well, I loaded up on Junk food this week. Jeez, it was horrible, well delicious but horrible for my health and running.
My running was also pretty junk this week and I didn’t run enough at all (I think the anxiety is creating procrastination).
The good news is, I leave for Bali tomorrow to celebrate my brothers 30th Birthday, excited is an understatement!
Allan has drawn up a running plan for me while I am away which includes hill repeats, sprints on the beach, 10km runs around the island and of course a good balance of beer and cocktails. Thanks Al.
The views should make the running a breeze and who knows, maybe my knee will hold up?!
Last night was the MAD2Adventures Comedy&Jam fundraiser at Hard rock cafe Sandton. it was a great night out with over 150 MAD supporters there. The comedians and bands were superb and we raised some much needed funds for the MAD Leadership Foundation.
If you do not see a diary entry from me next week, you know why.
Perhaps ill send a voice note, or a video update while sipping on a fresh coconut!
until next time.
Hello there!
Happy Friday and welcome to March (this year is flying).
Our team get away to Clarens last weekend was awesome! Much needed catch-ups and laughs with the crew. Throw in some sun-burn, beer, Sunday morning losers, good food/company and you have a winning combination to make a fantastic weekend away.
There are some truly epic places right on our doorstep – a couple hours from Jozi and you can be playing in the mountains around Lesotho.
We took a little hike in the Golden Gate Reserve and were rewarded with tranquillity, views and the energy that being out in nature can provide you with! I made a mental note that I need to visit this part of SA far more regularly, being up in the mountains is rejuvenating!
Last weekend also provided the opportunity for me to do some running on the trails around Clarens. Trail running is vastly different to road running and I was reminded why I used to spend hours running on the side of Table Mountain. Not to sound cliché, but running on the trails last weekend made me fall in love with trail running again… so much so that I decided to take the plunge and entered Ultra Trail Cape Town on Wednesday when the online entries opened.
So, its 3 weeks till the #MAD2Run18 team hits the road!
Final touches of prep, need to still buy my hammock to sleep in (personal reminder), and last-minute planning so that Kurt and Al’s needs for the journey are sorted!
Have a rad weekend!
Till next week
Dear Diary,
Well what do you know, I am sick.
Which isn’t ideal with exactly three weeks to go until we depart.
The week has been an exciting one.
It started off with the high-altitude carbo-loading we all spoke about in last week’s entry.
I did go for two runs though, but the air was exceptionally thin and Clarens is rather hilly!
Hockey season is fully underway so there has been some coaching and playing the last few days. I’m not sure which one has made me sick, but I haven’t been feeling lekker since Wednesday evening. Hey, it could be a culmination of Clarens and the hockey.
I have been self-medicating the last few days. Not really getting better, not really getting worse.
I am tempted to go to the doctor today to get a course of anti-biotics but am concerned on the effects taking a them could have on me.
I am no spring chicken and have heard that you should not train on anti-biotics. I’ve also heard that you need to wait a week after finishing the course before resuming training.
Can any of you out there give me some advice?
I really hope I do get better quick. In fact, so quick I want to do the JumpCity Challenge I have entered.
It’s a 10km run including 26 obstacles. Starting at the historical Constitution Hill, making your way down to 1 Fox street, going through Sci-bono and other landmarks in the city centre.
Man, I hope I’m better!
Otherwise I will be chilling in bed sleeping away this cold/flu/illness!
Have a great weekend and stay healthy.
Entry seven – Diary of some MADmen Entry six – Diary of some MADmen
Entry five – Diary of some MADmen Entry four – Diary of some MADmen
Entry three – Diary of some MADmen Entry two – Diary of some MADmen