Diary of some MADmen – Entry 11 – 23 March
Diary of some MADmen is a weekly entry from three crazy guys who are part of the #TEAM18 for MAD2run. They will be running from Joburg to Cape Town, in relay, to raise funds for the MAD Leadership Foundation. For those of you who know the three guys; Josh, Kurt and Allan, what they say in their weekly diary entry could more often than not, be taken as them fooling around. But, as they are all Elite Athletes, we aren’t entirely sure if they are…
If you’d like to get involved and support the cause, click here to do so.
Keep an eye out here for daily updates while we are on the road.
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Hello, you well?
I haven’t felt like this since I was playing sport at school boy level, where there was quite a bit of responsibility on my shoulders! A mixture of nerves and excitement, butterflies flying around in your tummy!
It’s a feeling that is hard to describe, I have missed it as it certainly does get the adrenaline running through your bloodstream, but I didn’t need it to rock up two days before we leave on this MAD2Run journey…
It’s funny how when you least expect it, there is the tendency for small hiccups to occur. Much like this silly ankle of mine which has decided to play up 2 days before we hit the Road.
In short there isn’t much that I can do about it now, I really do wish there was a magic pill or injection that could solve the world’s problems in one shot (if you do know of one let me know, I will pay good money). Last minute.com chiro. session this morning (24 hours before we hit the road) and making sure that I have everything that I’ll need to get me through the journey to Cape Town.
Kurt and Al are ready, well, ready as they can be. We would all have loved to have done more, but at the end of the day I have no doubt that the experience is going to carry us through and give us the motivation to carry on going when the things get a little tough.
So, all in all, I am bladdy excited, nervous and ready to get this journey on the road.
Keep an eye out for us on social media and track our journey to CT.
Thank you for all the support that we have received so far, it means a lot and will motivate us along the way!
See you at the end of MAD2Run and then it’s onto the next challenge (not going to ruin that surprise just yet though).
WOW! What a morning! Even with waking u at 3am with only three hours sleep.
Arriving at St Davids at 4am, where we were packing the trucks, you could feel the energy of everyone, even though the rain was coming down hard.
Prepping the pace vehicles and ensure the trucks are packed with our gear ended up being rather quick and painless.
Moving across to Hard Rock Café, where we were provided sanctuary from the rain, MADsters family and friends arrived, to see us off.
Again, this energy was electric. The muffins were delicious and a welcomed breakfast before we deserted. The java from Bean There was warming the cold and wet bodies. Not that we weren’t enjoying every minute of it.
As Dayle Raaff said, “the start of MAD2run is not today, but rather the moment each person said they were mad enough to enter.”
And here we are, nine months later and we, all 36 runners and 15 cyclists, ran and rode out of Mandela Square at 07:30, on the last leg of this epic journey. This last leg being 1540km. I’m not gonna lie, there was a massive lump in my throat as we stood in front of Madiba’s statue. The man who said to Francois Pienaar, that when he came back from his stint at Saracen’s he needs to Make A Difference.
And that is why we are doing this. Each one of us has our own reasons for doing a minimum of 140km over 7 days but the main driving force is the chance to give a deserving child the opportunity that they otherwise wouldn’t have, to receive an education, where they in turn can make a difference to someone.
We’re currently sitting at Josh’s house. In a warm lounge, watching the rugby and a few of us caching a few ZZZ’s. In a few hours we head out to Three Rivers to the meeting point to beigin our first session. Hopefully the rain holds off and we cn have a lekker, cool run. Regardless, we will need to get our KMs done.
I’ll catch you later for some more updates.