Celebration continues: Satrix Nasdaq 100 ETF launch
All week we have been on cloud nine celebrating our partner Satrix’s launch of the Satrix Nasdaq 100 ETF which aims to replicate the performance of the Nasdaq 100 index and will enable you to invest in the 100 largest non-financial companies listed on the Nasdaq in a single trade (and we think the best way to invest is via satrixnow.co.za or easyequities.co.za!)
Helena Conradie, CEO of Satrix, says: “I am very excited to announce the latest addition to our global ETF range, and our very first in partnering with Nasdaq. South Africans are sophisticated investors and have varying needs, especially when it comes to global investing. Satrix has met many of those needs and we think the Satrix Nasdaq 100 ETF is a fine complement to our existing range.”
Read the full press release here.
Also catch up on the latest coverage of this exciting news:
- SAFM Market Update with Moneyweb
Focus on Satrix Nasdaq 100 ETF:
- RSG Geldsake – RSG
- Stock Watch – Business Day TV
Don’t get left behind, buy the Satrix ETFs www.satrixnow.co.za/ or www.easyequities.co.za/