MAD2Run, that’s a wrap … over and out from team 2018
Shucks, where does one begin!
A journey that started nine months ago and ended with the MAD2Adventures team for 2018 raising R1.2 million for the MAD Leadership Foundation. It’s goosebump stuff and hard to put into words the feeling of contributing to something that is far bigger than yourself!
Nine months ago we (Kurt, Allan and I) submitted our application to be part of MAD2Run 2018 (Phat to Fit) and we were selected, along with 33 other MADsters, to take on the challenge of running from Joburg to Cape Town (+/- 1500km) in a 7-day 24-hour relay.
Reflecting on what we have done and why we did it, we wound back the clock and took a look at some of the words we put together on one of team’s first training runs (we probably should have done a few of those runs).
“We entered to contribute to something bigger than ourselves and our fitness. There is no doubt that the experiences and challenges that this MAD journey will bring, will shape us. An opportunity to give back and provide someone with an education is very powerful. Education provides a foundation for the rest of your life!”
On Sunday, we handed over a cheque of R1.2 million to the MAD Leadership Foundation and the enormity of what we had raised suddenly hit home. Knowing that you have contributed to changing someone’s life and providing them with an opportunity to access an education which they otherwise wouldn’t have had is very powerful! We had really used our “feet for a great feat” and contributed to something that is far bigger than the 1500km that we had covered from Joburg to Cape Town.
The support from friends, family and work colleagues was phenomenal! There are too many people for us to thank individually, but to each and every one of you…THANK YOU! The messages, Facebook posts, phone calls and donations definitely helped us get to Cape Town.
One thing is for sure, these nine months have flown by! The memories and friends that we have made through this journey are ones that will last a life time!
And so this chapter in the book of MAD2Run draws to a close. It’s time for MAD2Run 2018 to sign out and for the next team to continue this awesome initiative. From myself, Kurt and Allan, it’s been one hell of a ride! Thank you for the opportunity to contribute to something bigger than ourselves. We encourage you to try it for yourself to truly understand the feelings it generates.
Keep rocking team 2018, we will see you all soon!