I wish someone had told me to get on my bike and ride!

“I wish someone had told me” is a series of posts that feed into our inquisitive nature at CN&CO. Each week we hear from someone in our network about something interesting or surprising that’s recently happened or occurred to them – or lessons they learnt. These blogs are a way to pay it forward and form part of CN&CO’s belief that the world can be a better place – and we all have a responsibility to make it so. This week’s post is by our word nerd, Colin Ford, who has accepted a rather daunting challenge…


The call came in to Classic 1027 FM. Specifically, the call came in to Michael Avery, who presents the station’s Classic Business show. It was from Glen Haw, a.k.a. Farmer Glen, founder of the sani2c mountain bike stage race. I didn’t hear the actual conversation, but at some point a challenge was issued and Michael accepted it. He would be riding the 2019 sani2c.

Now, as Classic 1027’s communication partner, the CN&CO team regularly tunes in to the station to enjoy to a spot of classical music, pick up on a bit of culture, or listen to some scintillating conversation. On the day of the sani2c challenge, my colleague and mate, Allan Bader, was listening. He’d head a rumour that I’d been wanting to get into mountain biking for quite some time. In fact, I did a bit of it with our resident bike nerd, Josh Nuttall, not too long ago.  (That’s me in the pic on the right.)

And so Allan spoke to Josh, who spoke to Michael, who spoke to Classic 2017 CEO Lyndon Johnstone, and just like that, I was part of team Classic Newbies, entered to ride the sani2c in May 2019.

This is a hectic challenge. It’s just a touch over 260 km in three days. Each day has climbs of around 1 000 metres (give or take). And I have very little MTB experience.

Anyway, I have started my training – getting fit on the Wattbikes at the gym and riding where and whenever I can. As a further sign of commitment I have shaved my legs, and cannot wait for that fetching cyclist’s tan to develop.

I also bought myself a bike the other day as a Christmas present.

Like I said, I’ve been hemming and hawing about taking up the sport for some time now. Nothing like the prospect of the sani2c to provide the proverbial kick in the pants I needed to get my A into G. (Look, Mom, no mixed metaphors.)

And now… follow #ClassicNewbies and #sani2c on social media, and tune in to Classic 1027 FM (specifically Michael’s show, Classic Business, at 5.30pm on weekdays), to follow our progress. I would say it’s going to be epic, but that would be cheeky.

Keep an eye on:

Sani2c: Instagram | Twitter | Facebook | YouTube | Website

Classic 1027 FM: Instagram | Twitter | Facebook | YouTube | Website  |  Classic Business podcast on iTunes

CN&CO: Instagram | Twitter | Facebook | YouTube | Website

Michael Avery: Instagram | Twitter  |  LinkedIn

… and me, Colin Ford (aka @donfrolic): Instagram | Twitter | LinkedIn

I’ll leave you with a Queen hit… 1. because it’s relevant to the topic, and 2. I just saw (and loved) the movie:

Header image credit: Sani2C

Footnote: Josh writes a great column on this blog titled, IN THE SADDLE. In it he chronicles all the deep and meaningful thoughts that go through his head when he’s out riding. Looking back on the rides I’ve done so far, all I can remember thinking is,”Don’t fall! Don’t fall! Don’t fall!” I’ve a long way to go. I’ll keep you posted.

Colin is our resident wordsmith. He can write absolutely anything and loves to read, too. He even has his own book club.