I wish someone had told me about Woolworth’s extremely creamy Italian pistachio ice cream
“I wish someone had told me” is a series of posts that feed into our inquisitive nature at CN&CO. Each week we hear from someone in our network about something interesting or surprising that’s recently happened or occurred to them – or lessons they learnt. These blogs are a way to pay it forward and form part of CN&CO’s belief that the world can be a better place – and we all have a responsibility to make it so. This post is by Gianluca, with a little bit of flavour to get you into a 2019 groove…
No, really, next time you in a Woolworths, head straight for the freezers and if you are lucky enough to see that green tub of goodness, don’t hesitate and grab it.
I have seen people nearly start World War III over this stuff. It’s delicious, in fact, whilst I wrote this blog (@9pm in the evening) I devoured three massive scoops after a productive day.
Now to the point of the blog. We’re into the second week of 2019. Most of us are back at work, some are enjoying their final few days of relaxation and recharge, whilst some are pushing ahead from not taking a break and making 2019 happen.
With the new year comes in the usual need to instil new year resolutions… some might say cutting ice cream out is on top of that list, I say, don’t quite give up on these little temptations completely – it’s about balance.
Whilst we set out to achieve our goals and (try to) abide by our resolutions for the year and give 110% each day, it’s important to make sure we make the time to enjoy our “pistachio ice creams” whatever they may be – in other words, those small things that complete or add a spark to the day. It’s a great way to take a step back, appreciate a moment and reward yourself.
Whether it’s a treat like a delicious ice cream, a new song, a special running route (or location), a classic movie, a piece of art, a glass of wine, time with your pet, a chat with a friend or a loved one, make sure you make the time to enjoy it – and while you are at it, share it with others on your social media channels. Who knows, you just might make someone’s day.
I am willing to bet almost all of you will thank me for the Woolies pistachio drop if you haven’t tried it yet – I have my friends Jen and Mike to thank for helping me discover the ice cream through their Insta story post!
Once you’re done with your “pistachio ice cream” moment, get back to the grind, push forward, read, learn, spend time with family and friends and keep on doing what you do best. Life is too short not to make the most of each day (and treat!).
Enjoy the ice cream and VAMOS 2019!!!
Ps. Thanks Woolworths