A TED Live Saturday
If you follow our blog, you will know that we enjoy watching TED Talks for a number of reasons.
We visit TED.com regularly to clear our heads, have a laugh or get inspired. TED Talks open our minds, spark new ways of thinking and can lead to some very interesting conversations. Each week we pick a favourite and publish it on a Tuesday, because we like how “TED Talk Tuesday” sounds.
Over the weekend, a few of the team gathered for lunch at Carel’s house to watch some of the Talks from TED 2019, using TED Live. The theme for TED 2019 was “Bigger Than Us”.
Here’s is a quick insight into the history of TED, the full history can be found here:
- It is a nonprofit devoted to spreading ideas, usually in the form of short, powerful talks (18 minutes or less).
- It began in 1984 as a conference where Technology, Entertainment and Design converged
- In its current format it covers almost all topics — from science to business to global issues — in more than 100 languages.
- The flagship TED Conference is held annually on the North American West Coast, check out the other types of TED conferences here and learn how to apply.
TED Live brings the TED Conference experience to your home – or anywhere you want to watch. For more details follow this link. TED have started publishing a few of the top talks from this year’s conference, you can access them at www.ted.com/#/.
Here are two of the talks that we watched on Saturday.
Helping other makes us happier—but it matters how we do it
Facebook’s role in Brexit—and the threat to democracy