The Ink Link – John Sanei

The Ink Link is an ongoing project at CN&CO that showcases tattoos in the workplace. One of the great things about a tattoo is that it goes against the commonly-held viewpoint that “what you see is what you get”. There’s a misguided belief in certain quarters that in order to be a working professional, it is categorically *impossible* to have a tattoo… because how can someone with a tattoo be a professional? We are putting paid to that perception through the stories showcased in the Ink Link. If you or anyone you know would like to be featured, please get in contact with us.

The latest ink link blog is by CN&CO’s Rikus Kok – events nerd. He decided to do his Ink Link about the futurest, trend specialist and author John Sanei. Rikus got to know John threw his good friend Jenny Griesel who does all the PR for John. Rikus attended the book launch of “Magnetize” in 2018 and saw his amazing tattoos for the first time.

John is back with his brand new book that launched in June 2019 called “Foresight”. The book focuses on foresights to forge an abundant future beyond 2020. As the sub-header puts it: “Awaken Curiosity. Cultivate Wisdom. Discover the Abundant Future.” 

John’s latest book – Foresight.

Rikus decided to ask John a few questions regarding his tattoos and this is what he had to say…

1 –Why do you have tattoos?

“My last tattoo was inked 15 years ago. I got them for different reasons. Some were to be rebellious, some were to remember sentimental things and others were to decorate my body.”

2 – What do your tattoos mean to you? 

“They all sprung from different reasons for being inked.”

3 – How many tattoos do you have at the moment? 

“I have a left sleeve and one tattoo on my right arm.”

4 – Will you get any more? 

“No. A tattoo is a way of expressing your personality to the outer world. In my twenties, that was how I wanted to express it. I am expressing myself in different ways now, such as through my books and through my speaking.”

5 – How old were you when you got your first tattoo? 

“I was 27.”

6 – What is your perception on people that have tattoos? 

“It really depends who has them. Some people own them and others let the tattoos own them.”

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Talented in music and the arts, Rikus not only has the voice, but also a natural eye for events. His attention to detail, organisational skills and ability to keep things moving are unique. He is also a people’s person and is always ready to embrace the festivities and the dance floor!

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