Ted Talk Tuesday #152
Watching TED Talks is a popular pastime at CN&CO. We visit TED.com regularly to clear our heads, have a laugh or get inspired. TED Talks open our minds, spark new ways of thinking and can lead to some very interesting conversations. Each week we pick a favourite and publish it on a Tuesday, because we like how “TED Talk Tuesday” sounds. It’s also a way that the CN&CO team play their part on spreading ideas and helping to make the world a better place. This week’s talk is posted by Josie. Here’s why she chose it:
I have been pregnant for more than 50% of the past 4 years. I am also almost 40. So when my doctor gave me the all clear to start exercising again post my third pregnancy, I felt terrified at the task that lay ahead. All I knew is I wanted to lose weight, get fit and feel strong again quickly and not let the process drag on for too long. I was worried about injury as my body was still full of the post pregnancy niggles and hormones. I knew I needed to create a new way of life that was sustainable. So if I stopped all sugar, ate next to nothing, ran 7kms a day 6 days a week and stopped drinking alcohol, I would very quickly regain my “wedding body”. But lets face it. I sleep at most 3 hours a night, I am up at 4:30am, and look after 3 highly energetic tiny people all day long, try and find some capacity to run my business for a few hours a day, and by 5pm its either a complete mummy meltdown or a glass of wine! I choose wine!
So I cut back, tried to exercise a bit more, watered down my wine and started slowly seeing some results. And then on new years eve I thought fuc it, this is taking too long. I am going to try something completely new and exercise every single day for the 31 days in January. As I write this I am 2 days away from the 1st of Feb, and I cant even begin to describe the positive effect this “project” has had on my life. I have had more energy, more confidence in my ability to achieve, I have been a better mother, a better businesswomen, and in the process I have lost a bunch of weight and feel much stronger. My husband is passionate about exercise so this has also been a great way for us to spend time together away from the kids. I have even entered the aQuelle Midmar Mile and Simon and I are doing it together next weekend.
This TED talk by Matt Cutts talks about the profound impact trying something new for 30 days can have on your life. I found it interesting in light of my 30 days of exercise.