In conversation with the Market Theatre’s Ismail Mahomed
The video below is a conversation between Janet Baylis of the Festival of Excellence in Dramatic Arts (FEDA) and Ismail Mahomed, outgoing CEO of the Market Theatre.
FEDA is a one-act play festival for high school students held every year in Johannesburg. CN&CO Events was involved in last year’s festival and our partner EasyEquities is one of its sponsors. Our friends at iTOO provide the insurance for the festival, which sadly didn’t take place this year due to lockdown regulations.
Ismail is a legend in arts circles and his Facebook musings are a must read.
“The Market Theatre is a magnificent South African institution,” says CN&CO’s Carel Nolte. “I remember – illegally at the time which of course added to the joy! – sneaking there as a teenager with Alec Sibanda, a Zimbabwean man who worked for my parents, to watch theatre in the 80s. Still appreciate the fact that my parents turned a blind eye!
“Many South Africans have similar memories of this magical place. And today I believe more than ever that theatre has the power to move our world forward.”
Watch this fascinating conversation, as Ismail recalls his introduction to theatre as a teenager and proceeds to tell some incredible stories…