’21 Bursaries for 2021′: Supporting arts education at The National School of the Arts
The National School of the Arts (NSA) is a historically and culturally rich high school that was born out of the amalgamation of The Johannesburg Art, Ballet, Drama and Music School and Hoërskool Die Kruin, which were opened in 1969. It provides academic and artistic education to some of the country’s most talented youngsters, gifted in design, visual art and performing arts.
The NSA is supported by two of CN&CO’s partner organisations, Rand Merchant Bank and Business and Arts South Africa.
Sadly the school has run into a funding crisis, with the general slowdown in the economy putting the pinch on NSA parents.
“Covid-19 has compounded the situation, leading to a decrease in school fee payment and an increase in exemptions,” says the NSA’s Brenda Sakellarides. “The NSA has been at the forefront of specialised arts education for over 50 years. To ensure that we can continue offering quality teaching and learning well into the ever-dynamic future, we need to put agile, creative solutions in place.”
One of these solutions is the establishment of a bursary fund for 2021. Named “21 Bursaries for 2021” the fund aims to raise enough money to cover the fees for (you guessed it) 21 learners in 2021.
‘The NSA is a top-performing academic school, and our learners are known to excel across the boards from art to astrophysics,” says Brenda. “’21 Bursaries for 2021’ will help the school clear the financial hurdles that lie in our path with our characteristic spirit of possibility, positivity, and creativity.”
In order to reach its target, the school needs to raise just over R554 000.
“We know that there are young gifted learners who are already dreaming of attending the NSA,” says Brenda. “We must be ready for them.”
To make a donation, click here – or if you would like to be in contact with Brenda, drop her an email.
Let’s keep the arts alive in South Africa!