Enter the Quiz Lounge for a good dose of quizzical fun
Our good friend Danielle de Grooth, who runs the agency Design Lounge, recently branched out into online quizzing as a Covid-19 side hustle – and what marvellous experiences she creates!
“During the lockdown I found myself with a bit of extra time on my hands,” she says. “I have always enjoyed quizzing and so I thought I’d get a bunch of mates together and give it a go!”
It proved a huge success and her friends, including CN&CO’s Colin Ford, demanded more!
“Danielle does a really good quiz,” says Colin. “The first time I attended one of her quiz evenings was BC and IRL. It was a group of us gathered in her (actual) lounge conferring in our groups in hushed tones and marking each other’s answer sheets.
“The online experience really opens things up. Firstly, you can get people onto the quiz from all over the world. On our first online quiz we had people from Canada, the US and the UK, as well as South Africans from several provinces. Secondly, there’s no need to whisper, thanks to the mute button! (Although you do have to watch out for sneaky lip readers…)”
Danielle is in the Thursday Next Book Club with Colin. Thanks to lockdown, the club hasn’t met since March – which seems like a lifetime ago to all of its members. This month the club met in the Quiz Lounge and had a fabulous evening together. No books changed hands, but it was a fantastic opportunity to catch up.
“It’s really a fun way to connect with friends and family – even work colleagues – while maintaining lockdown protocols,” says Colin (who, incidentally, won the Thursday Next quiz night with his partner, Gregory. But, hey, who’s counting?)
Quizzes can be run for large or small groups and Danielle is happy to tailor the questions to suit the occasion or the group.
As a taster, see if you can figure out the Wacky Wordies below.

There’s plenty more where those came from. Contact TheQuizLoungeZA@gmail.com if you’re keen to join or host a super-fun quiz event. And if you ask nicely, Danielle might even give you the answers to any of the Whacky Wordies that had you stumped.