Brolink launches new product to brokers

Amidst adapting to the new challenges and opportunities that come with working remotely. The finance and broker teams at Brolink have been busy launching a new Premium Finance product to the market.

You can read up on what the new product means to brokers in the press on FA News here, or Cover Magazine here, or you can read up on this partnership with another CN&CO partner Premium Finance Partners below.

Brolink has successfully concluded a strategic partnership with Premium Finance Partners (PFP), a specialist finance provider to the insurance industry. The arrangement means Brolink’s broker network is now able to offer commercial clients a preferential premium finance facility with the backing of a number of heavyweight players in the industry.

Premium finance is a tool that helps corporate and commercial clients to manage annual insurance premiums by breaking them up into smaller, traditionally monthly payments spread out over the premium term. The facility has been used in the local and international market for decades and has become even more relevant under the economic conditions imposed by the Covid-19 pandemic.

“We are excited by what this new partnership brings to our overall offering to our brokers. We have really enjoyed the journey thus far with the team at PFP and look forward to a great future together,” says Farzana Tayob, CFO at Brolink.  

Although Premium Finance Partners is a relatively new player in the specialist finance market, it enjoys strong financial backing and has already become a dominant player in its space.

“We are enormously honoured to partner with a company as well-known and respected as Brolink,” says PFP founder and CEO, Devan Kerr. “We are excited to see how our expertise in the lending space complements what is already a very strong offering from Brolink. We look forward to doing great things together into the future.”

Brokers who are interested in finding out more about the Brolink/PFP premium finance offering can contact Teresa Burmeister and 082 564 1316

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