Where were you at noon – Thursday 27 August 2020
The CN&CO team really are all over the place – geographically speaking, that is! It’s part of our lifestyle business approach: being able to work wherever we are and finding a balance that helps us and our partners to succeed in all areas of life.
Do you know where the word noon comes from?
It is derived from Latin nona hora, the ninth hour of the day, and is related to the liturgical term none. The Roman and Western European medieval monastic day began at 6:00 a.m. (06:00) at the equinox by modern timekeeping, so the ninth hour started at what is now 3:00 p.m. (15:00) at the equinox.
This month Rikus asked the CN&CO team to share their movements in a short video clip. From the events team organising the latest Cartesian Talk between Anthea Gardner and ‘Angrynomics’ co-author Eric Lonergan, to Joshua getting ready for the opening night of the RMB Turbine Art fair tonight – there’s always lots on the go.
Read more about the RMB Turbine Art Fair here. and you can read more about the Cartesian Talk here.