What’s the weather got to do with anything?
Whether you believe in global warning or not (and let’s be clear upfront – if you don’t, you aren’t very bright) weather affects us all. And everything we do. No suprise then that CN&CO’s partner EasyEquities, SA’s leading investment platform, has joined forces with People’s Weather to bring #easyeasy to our TV screens this month.
People’s Weather is one of the most watched channels on DSTV. Before being introduced to one of the channel co-owners Stephan Le Roux by my friends Aletta Alberts and Michele Sparkes (themselves TV content legends – and EasyEquities clients #justsaying), I had only occasionally engaged with channel 180 on my DSTV decoder.
However, as Stephan explains, the channel appeals to a cross-cultural and cross-generational audience. The channel’s viewers enjoys engaging, entertaining, credible, informative and purposeful content which focuses on:
° Eco-conscious and progressive individuals who aspire
to live sustainably;
° Nature Lovers;
° Outdoor Enthusiasts;
° Ethical Travellers;
° Farmers;
° Scientists;
° Environmentalists and
° all of us “living the weather”!
When Stephan proposed a series called #easyeasy, it seemed a no brainer. With EasyEquities being passionate about making investing easy, for everyone, collaborating on content that showcases how we can help others #easyeasy was an exciting opportunity.
The first episodes helped one EasyEquities user, Edfren Kampala, to realise his dream of becoming a beekeeper. Future episodes feature EasyEquities team mate, ETF guru and Olympic medallist Shaun Keeling showing Emperor Asset management brand manager Bonolo Modise how to row and Brandon Valjalo, Team SA skateboard member and Tokyo Olympic hopeful, learning about more about coffee.
CN&CO has long promoted the concept of Paying it Forward. #easyeasy is just another itteration of that. In these times of pandemic uncertainty, perhaps now, more than ever, we must share our skills and resources and look beyond ourselves to the greater good!
#easyeasy can be viewed this month exclusively on People’s Weather channel 180 on DSTV and 115 OpenView.