I wish someone had told me that a clown will change my life…
“I wish someone had told me” is a series of posts that feed into our inquisitive nature at CN&CO. We hear from someone in our network about something interesting or surprising that’s recently happened or occurred to them – or lessons they learnt. These blogs are a way to pay it forward and form part of CN&CO’s belief that the world can be a better place – and we all have a responsibility to make it so. This week’s post is by our Llewellyn du Plessis.
Many people are afraid of clowns and turn ice cold if they see a red nose approaching them. That’s certainly not the case for me. At a very young age I found friendship in perhaps one of the most unlikely place one can imagine… the circus
Growing up in a small town called Meyerton in the Vaal Triangle would sound boring to most but there was a plus side of living here. The Boswell Wilkie circus, a world renowned family business, was our neighbour. This always provided the opportunity to see the artists fly from one side of the big top to the other. Fancy costumes and glitter was a given and the smell of sawdust will forever make me relive those special memories with my family.
As the Boswell Wilkie Circus ended their final season as a touring circus in 2001, they transformed the circus farm into a coffee show and opened it up to the public. This became our weekend spot as a family and when they opened their circus school I knew I had to join. Many people dream of running away with the circus but I did not have to run away as the circus was right next door (LOL)!
When I joined the circus school I met Suzie Wilkie and Karen Wilkie. Suzie being the daughter of the founder of Boswell Wilkie and Karen the wife of Robert Wilkie, the founder’s son. I lived for Fridays as that meant that I could see my circus family at the weekly circus school practice.
After a couple of years I joined the corporate entertainment team that performed at various corporate events across South Africa. Suzie Wilkie always made sure we looked phenomenal in the best vintage circus costumes and Karen was our manager and make-up artist.
Whenever I had my costume on and my face painted it was almost as if the world disappeared and I could just be free. There was no worry in the world that could stop me at that moment.
I worked at the most amazing events and got to meet phenomenal artists over the years. Karen helped me get confidence and believe in myself. “If you work hard enough you can achieve anything”, she always said.
Karen, as a cancer survivor, always made sure that we give back to those in need and we regularly performed at events for various charity organisations. This embedded the need to give back in me and always appreciate what you have as others might not have the same.
Today I would like to thank the entire circus family and especially Karen, or better known as Tufu, for making me part of your family and making me the adult I am today! Even though you are far away in France and I’m in South Africa, everytime I see a glitter sparkle or drive past the farm, I think of what you taught me and miss you!
I have not performed for a couple of years now, but everytime I look at a stage or see my costumes hanging I get a sense of nostalgia and cherish those special memories.
The Big Top was our playground and the sawdust and glitter will forever be in our veins.