The Company We Keep: Man Overboard: with Brett Archibald.
The Company We Keep is a column on the CN&CO blog that profiles some of the most interesting people in our networks. Here we share the details of the lives of people we know, showcasing the extraordinary diversity of our society and proving that people truly are at the heart of everything we do.
This week’s blog “The Company We Keep” is written by Blake Dyason CN&CO partner who recently started his own podcast Keeping it WILD.
The best thing about hosting a podcast is getting the opportunity to speak to some of the most incredible people and share their stories with thousands of people.
Almost 10 years ago I went to an insurance industry event and heard Brett Archibald share a powerful story of never giving up and since then have always wanted to meet him.
Brett Archibald went on a dream Surf trip to Indonesia with childhood friends that turned into a horror story of survival.
Brett fell overboard in the middle of the night in the middle of the ocean and no one knew. Brett swam for 28.5 hours to survive. You can’t make this up, he gave up 8 times, tried drowning himself, was attacked by sharks and birds and survived one of the biggest storms to hit the strip. We ended up making a 2 part podcast to share this emotional and inspiring story. Keeping it WILD – Man Overboard! With Brett Archibald.
I highly recommend reading Brett’s book ALONE.