TED Talk Tuesday #224: How does alcohol cause hangovers
TED continues to spread ideas and help us all be better critical thinkers. Watching, listening and talking about TED Talks is a popular pastime for many in the CN&CO community. We visit TED.com regularly to clear our heads, have a laugh, learn or get inspired. TED Talks open our minds, spark new ways of thinking and can lead to some very interesting conversations and business opportunities. Each week we pick a favourite and publish it on a Tuesday, because we like how “TED Talk Tuesday” sounds. It’s also a way that the CN&CO team play their part in spreading ideas and helping to make the world a better place.
This TED Talk was chosen by Kurt Solomon
After a few big nights, I thought it was appropriate to learn more about hangover’s, what causes them, which alcohol seems to give worse hangovers than others and if there are any secret cures.
My Job definitely comes with perks but also many hangovers. It has been a busy few weeks of work events, networking and entertaining. I was recently invited to the World Cup Seven’s Rugby (Congrats Fiji) which was hosted in Cape Town, South Africa. It was an incredible few days spent getting to know new people and enjoying the fast paced action Seven’s Rugby brings. Having said that, there was also a-lot of drinking. A few days before that, we welcomed back and I attended the popular FIA Intermediary awards on behalf of Ami Underwriting, and next week, I will be attending my first Phoenicians (Lebanese Golf School) Golf tour.
Hence why I thought it was apt to choose this weeks TED Tuesday blog to learn more about the dreaded hangover.
The talk which is by Judy Grisel, A Professor of Psychology and researcher in Neuroscience and Addiction gives us a quick overview of what causes hangovers, what alcohol to try steer away from and what you can do to assist with the sore heads and shakes the next day.
Kurt’s best hangover cure
Before I get into trouble, please note the disclaimer – This is not medical advise. But i have recently found the below to help alot.
- x1 AC 200 before you go out drinking
- x1 Rehydrate sachet when you get home
- x1 500ml Coconut water
- x1 500ml glass of water before bed
- Bacon and eggs the next day
- The last and hardest point – Remember to do the above.
If you know of the best hangover cure, please be sure to share it.