Where were you at noon – Welcome to 2023!
The CN&CO team really are all over the place – geographically speaking, that is! It’s part of our lifestyle business approach: being able to work wherever we are and finding a balance that helps us and our partners to succeed in all areas of life. Here’s where we were at noon on the 9 January 2023 This month’s day was picked by Kurt Solomon – here’s what he and the other CN&CO family were doing at noon.
The CN&CO team is a group of individuals who are dedicated to their work and committed to finding a balance between their professional and personal lives. They are a dynamic group, with members located across South Africa, each working on their own projects and responsibilities. Despite the distance between them, they are all connected by their shared goals and commitment to success. At noon today, the team was busy with a variety of tasks, from planning for the year ahead to working with clients and partners. Here’s a brief snapshot of what each member was up to:
Gianluca was officially back in the office, preparing for client meetings and getting a jump start on the year ahead while Kate and Josie were also planning for the year, feeling confident that it will be the best one yet. Llewellyn was working on a content plan and planning for upcoming events, the events team really has great projects lined up for this year. Keep an eye out on our CN&CO socials to stay updated on industry events, they even have a few exciting launches planned.

Rikus was in the full swing of work, catching up on emails and planning for the year ahead from his new home and base in Stellenbosch. The Cape Town branch of the business is growing, and Rikus was wearing his CN&CO cap with pride.
Colin was working on his TED Talk Tuesday blog, featuring mentalist Derren Brown. He reminisced about watching Brown’s show “Something Wicked This Way Comes” in the mid-2000s and was excited to share his chosen TED Talk with the team. Colin says: “it’s always mind-opening to watch a few TED talks”. Keep an eye on our blog and socials tomorrow for the link.
Stella was at RMB offices, assisting their marketing and communications department on various projects. She is excited to be taking on this new opportunity and working with this exciting brand. #WatchThisSpace
Carel was wearing his EasyProperties hat and chatting with two property experts about “The Edge,” the first student accommodation on the Easy platform. Investors are loving it, and Carel enjoys chatting with passionate investors and property gurus. R100 or R100k – Consider Stellenbosch property easyproperties.co.za.
Blake was working from Virgin Active Silo avoiding load shedding wrapping up the 2023 marketing and PR strategy for his new client Gallagher Re.
I (Ami) officially back in the office this week, with a number of meetings already done and more scheduled for the upcoming weeks. I am heading out of town for a week (yes again), so I am making sure everything is in order before I go. I am looking forward to a phenomenal year of learning, growth, and making things happen with Ami.co.za.