TED Talk Tuesday #253: Why having fun is the secret to a healthier life

Catherine Price is a science journalist who believes that, far from being frivolous, fun is a critical component of a fulfilling, healthy life – and I couldn’t agree more! I love to have fun, be it with my family, my friends, at work, with clients – I know that when I am having fun, I’m certainly more motivated, energised – I’m simply a happier, more alive version of myself.

Price wrote an article last year in which she says, “We all know people who seem to attract fun. They’re the friends whose presence at a dinner party guarantees that everyone is going to have a good time. They exude warmth, playfulness and self-confidence, and people always appear happy to have them around. What might not have occurred to you is that it’s possible for you to become one of those people yourself, even if you think of yourself as shy or introverted.

The primary thing that separates people who attract fun from their peers is their attitude. They approach life in general with what I call a “fun mindset”.

Having a fun mindset refers to the habit of intentionally approaching and reacting to your life in a way that is attractive to fun — or, more specifically, true fun, which I define as the confluence of playfulness, connection and flow. The secret to developing a fun mindset is to deliberately seek out as many opportunities as you can in order to create or appreciate playfulness, connection and flow.”

Fun is not just the result of human thriving, but it’s the cause – and we simply need to have more of it! Watch Price’s TED Talk below and learn how to fill your life with more moments of playfulness, connection and flow. Life’s too short, just have more FUN!

Kate is our always-happy, super-talented marketing specialist and self-acclaimed handbag accessory influencer. She does it all, from graphic and web design to event planning and management. Every day we learn something new about Kate, unearthing new flairs around every corner.