Unlock the Future of Insurance at InsureTalk34

Save the Date! InsureTalk34: The Virtual Insurance Conference you can’t afford to miss, is taking place on 20 July 2023. Get ready for a thought-provoking and informative conference that will catapult your insurance career to new heights! Stay ahead of the game with the latest news and trends in the industry, while effortlessly earning 2.5 CPD hours. 

Don’t let this incredible opportunity slip through your fingers! Register now for FREE and secure your spot alongside industry legends. Level up your career and unlock a world of possibilities.

We’ll meet you online at InsureTalk34 for a session filled with thought-provoking insights and informative talks!

InsureTalk34 takes place on Thursday, 20 July 2023 @ 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM.