1440 with the IIG
Quick recap: In case you missed the previous stories about the IIG Spinathon read about who we were hoping to see on the day and more importantly, why we rode.
See that number in the title there? That is the number of minutes two brave souls decided to spend spinning on a stationary bike for charity at last week’s IIG 24 Hour Charity Spinathon. In case you haven’t made the connection, 1440 minutes is 24 hours. That is an exceptionally long time to sit on a bike which doesn’t go anywhere. So a massive congratulations is in order to Andre Symes from Genasys Technologies and Tony Webster from GIB, you accomplished a mammoth task!
For the rest of us mere mortals, one hour was more than enough on the legs but oh so worth it! The atmosphere was casual, fun and more importantly there was an air of “for the greater good”. Roughly 500 people took time out last Friday to contribute to the success of the event and help raise half a million rand for charity. Charities benefiting cancer, education, disabled children and animals were all represented on the day. A special thank you is due to all our friends who joined the CN&CO midnight Pink Drive hour for the first silent-disco cycle. Having a Lebanese smurf dance around you handing out drinks while you listen to music through wireless headphones was definitely a first for most of us.
An additional thank you to our friends who participated in the event in other time slots, including Lombard Partnerships and Purple Group. For some more information about the day the IIG has a great write up and two Facebook albums which you can have a look at to see some rather professional and colourful photos from the day.
Thank you to IIG President Tracy Payne, IIG Superstar Nina Joubert and the rest of the team for organising such a fantastic event. See you next year!