CN&CO Fin-blog recap for the week ending 30 September 2016
Team CN&CO love financial services (among other things) and we enjoy reading about what’s happening in various quarters of the industry. Here are our favourite fin-blog picks of the week:
Josie’s pick:
How to bridge S.A’s skills gap
The disparity between unemployed people seeking work, and skilled employable labour in this country is a tragedy. This video touches on what can be done to bridge the skills gap.
Kurt’s pick:
This is how SpaceX plans to send people to Mars
Imagine 6 years from now, Mars home to humans…sounds ridiculous doesn’t it. Well not according to local legend, Elon Musk.
Rob’s pick:
Get a front-row seat in Harvard’s largest class thanks to virtual reality
With an acceptance rate of 6%, Harvard University is one of the toughest universities to get into. But now, with the magic of virtual reality, you can pretend to be a student in Harvard’s largest on campus class. You sit front and center, able to look around at the students in the auditorium around you.
Carel’s pick:
To build or to buy? That is the question
Jan Lombard of Innosys talks us through the benefits of tailor-made software solutions.
Gianluca’s pick:
Join the Tax Free Savings revolution – it’s here
“There are quite a few EasyEquities whizz kids among you who’ve given yourself a massive leg up in the long term savings game by rocking your Tax Free Savings Accounts (TFSA), which you automatically get when you register with us.”
Colin’s pick:
Life insurers thwart fraudulent claims
Claims fraud statistics for 2015 released this week by the Association for Savings and Investment South Africa (ASISA) reveal that while the number of cases of fraud and dishonesty uncovered almost halved from 8 306 cases in 2014 to 4 381 in 2015, the average value of these claims has risen substantially.