I’m finally reading more
I recently left the wonderful world of short-term underwriting, where I had been for 13 years, finishing up at Hollard just under a month ago. I have now moved from underwriting into writing. A daunting task if you think about it. However, as I have found in the few blog posts I have written – for our website and the few of our clients’ websites, too – it is not as difficult as you may have initially thought. Don’t get me wrong, I’m still refining my skills and with each piece I am getting better. At least I think so.
Here at CN&CO we are encouraged to read. And read a lot. Since joining, I have have read my first book in what must be a year and it only took me three evenings. Do yourself a favour and read Bryan Cranston’s autobiography, My Life in Parts.
We are also encouraged to read industry publications, not only to keep abreast of market news but also to increase our vocabulary and take tips from the articles.
While reading these publications, both print and digital, it is always great to see our clients either being quoted in their area of expertise or simply an advert promoting their brand.
In the March edition of Cover magazine, I came across two of our clients. The first was an advert for Fulcrum, showing off their new-ish look and how they “See things differently” with their “bespoke lending, investment and management services, specialising in insurance markets.”
Further into the magazine EasyEquities makes an appearance and senior sales person, Lee Scott, talks about the Risky Business in the stock markets. This article was written before the cabinet reshuffle by our President on 30 March, making this piece even more relevant as it speaks to the point that “The correct financial advice and portfolio selection is crucial and that reassuring clients through stormy seas and providing guidance will always be a personal discussion and therefore clients and managers should look to have a combination of both services.”
Along with similar themed articles by other specialists, allowing the reader to make an informed opinion, the balance of the articles in the magazine also provide valuable insight into other areas of the finance industry, ranging from short-term insurance to the impact of Brexit on SA shores.
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