Fulcrum hands a ‘blanket-in-a-bag’ for Mandela Day
18 July marks a Nelson Mandela International Day (or Mandela Day) in celebration of Nelson Mandela’s birthday and honour of his legacy – 67 years of service and devotion to South Africa.
On this day, people around the world are encouraged to spend at least 67 minutes of their time to serve others and do something positive for their communities.
This idea was inspired by Tata Madiba during his 90th birthday celebration. “It is in your hands to make of the world a better place,” he said.
Since his passing in 2013, it has been a national pride to make everyday a Mandela Day.
Our brilliant client Fulcrum Group also took to the challenge to make a difference with their great activation. This is what they got up to:
Part of the brand teams job at Fulcrum is to drive internal engagement and activations! Last week, each of the Fulcrum team members received a ‘blanket-in-a-bag’ for this year’s #MANDELADAY2017.
We asked them to engage, connect and take steps towards change by #payingitforward and donating their ‘blanket-in-a-bag’ to someone less fortunate.
Since #WeSeeItDifferently, stories of their interactions were shared with the rest of the Fulcrum team on our “Mandela Day Wall” by means of little essays or quotes relaying encounters, photographs taken with the recipients as well as drawings by children of the Fulcrum team.
What the some of the team members took from this activation:
“As always… love it when a plan comes together! Our Mandela Day ‘blanket-in-a-bag’ has by far been one my most rewarding! Seeing our fantastic team go out there, donate their blankets and come back to place their stories on our Mandela Day wall makes me very happy and so proud!” – Clodagh Da Paixao
“Great to have blessed someone with a blanket and to see their faces light up in joy when they saw that they were thought of. Thank you Fulcrum. Proud to be a part of this company.” – Kerry Christian
“I felt it was a small thing to contribute, but it made a big difference to someone in need.” – Liebie Du Plessis.”
“Thanks for this wonderful idea – it actually brightened up my day as well.” – WJ Matthee
“This touch of warmth and colour made a huge difference. We just need to let people know that we care – that someone sees them.” – Sandra Snowball
“The gentleman who received my blanket loved the fleecy feel, as well as the winter gloves I made and put in the bag too.” – Sandy Cowan