Jozi Cats to host tag rugby tournament: #PrideInRugby
Being a lifestyle business, we at CN&CO have the pleasure of working with diverse and interesting people who are doing amazing things within and across different industries. One of the perks (there are many) of being a lifestyle business is that relationships between ourselves and our partners go beyond the office; allowing further relationship strengthening and a glimpse into their life beyond the office.
Take for instance, Waylon Smit – when he is not being a genius as ETF and Satrix partnership champion at our partner Easy Equities– South Africa’s fun online platform that makes it easy to buy shares with the most affordable options on the market, Waylon is most likely at Digger’s Rugby Club (DRC) in Randburg playing rugby as part of the Jozi Cats (where Waylon is also Deputy Chairman).
What is particularly special about the Jozi Cats is that they are South Africa’s first gay and inclusive competitive rugby club. Not only does CN&CO believe in leading a healthy lifestyle but we support those that do good as well. In commemoration of Human Rights Day, Jozi Cats and the South African Human Rights Commission will host a #PrideInRugby inclusive tag rugby tournament in order to tackle homophobia in rugby.
The tournament will be hosted at Digger’s Rugby Club. Although not about money, there’s a R10,000 prize up for grabs – and who won’t enjoy that?! The beneficiaries of the proceeds from the #PrideInRugby tournament are Jozi Cats, the Digger’s 125 year old Trust and Khayelitsha Cats.
Jozi Cats’ chairman, Chris Verrijdt, had this to say, “Having an organisation like the South African Human Rights Commission as partner for this day will set an example of how sport can be used both as a lexicon of engagement and understanding to promote tolerance both on and off the field.”
Details of the tournament:
Cost: R1000 per team
Date: Wednesday March 21 (Human Rights day)
Venue: Digger’s Rugby Club- Randburg
Time: 7H30-1430
You do not want to miss out! Read the full press release below:
[pdf-embedder url=”https://www.cnandco.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/28.02.17-Jozi-Cats-HRC-Tackle-Homophobia-In-Rugby-FINAL.docx.pdf” title=”28.02.17 Jozi Cats & HRC Tackle Homophobia In Rugby FINAL.docx”]