TED Talk Tuesday #64 Fun, fierce and fantastical African art
Watching TED Talks is a popular pastime at CN&CO. We visit TED.com regularly to clear our heads, have a laugh or get inspired. TED Talks open our minds, spark new ways of thinking and can lead to some very interesting conversations. Each week we pick a favourite and publish it on a Tuesday, because we like how “TED Talk Tuesday” sounds. This week’s talk was selected by Lorraine Lamola. Here’s why she chose it…
To the western eye, the image of Africa has been one that is plagued by poverty, war and AIDS, artist Wanuri Kahiu challenges this dated narrative with her take on a less explored view of Africa, the fun and imaginative Africa.
Through her art, Kahiu asks where’s the fun? Introducing “AfroBubbleGum” — African art that’s vibrant, lighthearted and without a political agenda. Rethink the value of all that is unserious as Kahiu explains why we need art that captures the full range of human experiences to tell the stories out of Africa.
The spread of Kahiu’s “AfroBubbleGum” art can be a (less diplomatic) catalyst towards changing the African narrative. Imaginative and futuristic depiction of Africa will have a positive impact on the younger generation, a great example is the movie Black Panther. That’s the fundamental message I got out of this brief yet insightful talk.
From Africa to the world, #WakandaForever!