Insurtech, cover conference JHB 2018

A small insight into the expanding world of #Insurtech

Technology, data, innovation, agility, partnerships, privacy, the internet of things, mobile interfaces, consumer centricity, client experience and trust were a few of the themes/topics which were discussed during the 2018 Cover Insurtech conference.

It certainly wasn’t your traditional “insurance” crowd in attendance. There were are few suits and formal jackets in the room, but the majority in attendance were “tech and digital nerds” easily identifiable in their jeans, sneakers and hoodies!

Social media is one of our best friends and seeing that we were at a “digital” conference, here are a few of our favourite tweets from #Insurtech2018

#kakselfie is a trending theme at all of the events we attend, provided that our word nerd (Colin) is there!

It was great to hear more about what our partner Claim Central Africa is about and its plans to change the market. Ronald Gall, the newly appointed MD, entertained the audience with his natural wit!

Chat bots are here to stay! The data tells the story.

Live demos are the best! Especially when you are at a tech conference and your tech doesn’t fail on you during the presentation. It was great to hear from the Pineapple SA team, who has partnered with Brolink (among others) to bring its innovative offering to the market.

The customer centric model—data is allowing clients to become better informed.

Hendrik Heyns from our partner, Brolink, provided great insights on how to drive #innovation in your organisation and the importance of culture (#peoplefirst).

It would be great to feature all of our favourite tweets, but then this blog may turn into a photo diary. Thank goodness for hashtags and their digital libraries! If you are keen to catch up on some of the highlights and insights—visit Twitter and search for the following hashtags: #insurtech2018 and #Covertech.

Thanks to Tony and the rest of the Cover team for a jam-packed two days of #insurtech insights! Congratulations on turning 30 and enjoy the 80’s themed celebration this evening.

Also read: Cover Insurtech 2018 Conference: what the experts said