What it takes to be the next Insurance Apprentice
Picture above: 2018 Insurance Apprentice Winner, Noxolo Dlamini
Since the beginning of The Insurance Apprentice in 2015, the initiative has offered young industry leaders an exciting opportunity to gain substantial experience and to showcase their skills. For the contestants, it has encouraged them to adopt innovative techniques and develop their ideas and skills; for the winners it has opened doors for new opportunities.
Speaking of winners, it was such a good sight to see The Insurance Apprentice 2018 winner, Noxolo Dlamini (A.K.A The Insurance Bae) rock the 2018 FIA Awards stage alongside chief señor, Carel Nolte on 28 June 2018. She did it in style and class, waving the flag high for all the young industry players!
In an effort to continue developing young talent in the industry, The applications for The Insurance Apprentice 2019 is open for entry. To be a part of this thrilling competition you simply have to fill out this application form and submit it on or before 31 August 2018.
As we get closer to the rapidly approaching deadline The FAnews (founder of the The Insurance Apprentice) has released a great article which features some motivational quotes from the previous winners, as well as what to look out for in the next season.
Season five is going to be epic! Don’t miss out on an opportunity to be #TheNextGreatApprentice
WINNERS BELIEVE… I CAN, I WILL, I AM Alexander the Great once said, “There is nothing impossible to him who will try”. Just like rock, paper, scissors… if scissors cut paper, paper covers rock and rock crushes the scissors… then there is no winner or loser in the theory of it all… it is a win win situation for all! Another author said, “In order to attain the impossible, one must attempt the absurd.” That is why a winner believes… I can, I will, and I am! What it takes to WIN In taking the reign of The Insurance Apprentice 2018, winner Nox Dlamini said, “There were mountains to conquer that appeared impossible at first, but I summited at the end of each day, weary and satisfied. My motto: he who dares, wins – go for it! Set your doubts aside and just do it. Open yourself up to this and you will grow stronger. Be confident in your words, work, knowledge and abilities.” Winner of The Insurance Apprentice 2017, Kabelo Paile said, “Every mistake made is a lesson learnt; every win gained is also a sweet lesson learnt. Take the leap of faith; you will never know what you are capable of until you push yourself and most importantly, be yourself at all times.” Andre Brooks, winner of The Insurance Apprentice 2016 said, “Teamwork makes the dream work, a degree of adaptability in every situation is paramount to success and resilience is a defining attribute as we are not judged by our failures, but rather by how we deal with those failures. Instead of trying to be better than someone else, we are better served by trying to be better than we were yesterday.” “Did I enter The Insurance Apprentice competition expecting to win? Yes… I always expect great things. However, I understood that humility is key, and I took every chance I got to learn from each experience,” said Roxanne Griffiths, winner of The Insurance Apprentice 2015. So, do YOU have what it takes to WIN? Take a chance and apply
If you think you have what it takes to be the next Insurance Apprentice, then why not take a chance and apply. Entries for The Insurance Apprentice 2019 close on 31 August 2018. If you meet the criteria, visit http://theinsuranceapprentice.co.za/apply2019/, fill out your application form and submit it. Identifying people within companies We also urge managers/companies to identify the people they believe can make it and push them to apply. Let’s get all those young talented professionals to apply. Previous TIA contestants (and especially the winners) are really keen to assist with guidance and are available to come and chat at companies if they have identified a group of people. They are also very keen to have one on one communication with people who are sitting on the fence undecided on whether to enter or not. Please get in touch if you have this need. The winner stands a chance to win a trip of a lifetime to Lloyds of London and a R20 000 cash prize. Is this enough to convince you? “You are a young passionate insurance professional. What is your next move? Where are you taking your career to and how are you elevating yourself as a professional?” asks Dlamini. “The Insurance Apprentice has validated that which I already knew about myself, grew me tremendously and amplified my status as a professional. If you are in insurance today, this is a no-brainer: enter, enter, enter. Nothing like it exists. Enter, fight your way to the top and when you get to the top eight, make it count! The 2019 Insurance Apprentice winner could just be you,” concludes Dlamini. “I would advise my fellow Millennials to enter because there is no other platform for young professionals to shine within the industry. Anyone who is curious about The Insurance Apprentice should grab the opportunity. The ones who are not afraid to try it, explore it, poke at it, question it and turn it inside out,” said Paile. “It is a privilege to have the opportunity to compete with your peers in a highly pressurized environment. The competition enhances the participants’ credibility to the industry as whole which is the most rewarding outcome, in my personal experience. The prizes are great too! So, step out of your comfort zone and move over into the lime light… what are you waiting for?” concludes Brooks. “The Insurance Apprentice is a fun, dynamic and exciting opportunity for you to get an out of the box experience into the insurance world as we know it. It is more than just a competition; it is a huge learning curve as to how big the insurance industry really is, and the different role players within. You will learn so much about yourself and your inner strengths will be tested. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to make yourself more marketable as a youngster in the insurance industry,” emphasizes Griffiths. “It is not only about winning. What you learn about yourself and how you grow, even if you do not walk away as the winner, is something no one can take away from you. The growth is incredible,” says Rianet Whitehead, Editor of FAnews and Organiser of The Insurance Apprentice. Exciting new developments #nextlevel The Insurance Apprentice 2019 will see a whole new element of exciting developments and we have some inside scoop for you. To get viewers involved, during the competition (filming week), we will have a #superfan prize giveaway. The #superfan will be the person who predicts the most winnings of each day i.e the winner of each task during filming week. More details on the prize will follow soon. Another exciting development for our viewers is that Continuing Professional Development (CPD) hours will be attached to episodes going forward. Focused on each task at the end of every episode, there could be questions asked with a CPD concept for readers/viewers. We also know there is a winner hiding away somewhere in one of the regions outside of Johannesburg and that is why we will be challenging the regions to really get involved in nominating and pushing people to take part. This is where we introduce a #TIA2019regionalclash. It will be the clash of the titans as three of ‘the very best’ (identified by the institutes from each region), who have what it takes to sit with the cool kids, fight for supremacy, to claim a spot in the elimination round. At its best it is a chance to fight your way to the top 30… and wow our judges! You just never know where this could lead. |