Conscious Leadership Academy
Regenesys Business School will now offer a conscious leadership MBA; a programme that promises to help create better leaders for the future.
Burning money – the cost of fire
Now that we know enough to understand how a sprinkler system works perhaps we should take a closer look at some of the statistics on hand around fires and sprinklers in South Afric
TED Talk Tuesday #77 – The mathematics of weight loss
With our team trip to Club Med Bintan around the corner, Kurt's choice for #TEDTalkTuesday is about the mathematics of weight loss
Factor investing #8: Multi-factor portfolio construction
This article is the eighth in a series of articles by Jason Swartz of Satrix aimed at discussing practical ways to employ the power of factor investing.
Book your four-ball in the Classic 1027 Golf Day for CANSA
When we heard about the inaugural Classic 1027 Golf Day in support of CANSA, we felt we simply had to give it some airtime.