Podcasts: Is technology decreasing our happiness?
Listening to podcasts has become a regular go to for me and I have started coaching my brain to rather reach for a podcast or a book instead of a TV series when I feel like it’s time to zone out in the evenings or over weekends.
Regular writing, jotting ideas down in a moleskin or opening a medium article has also help me to expand my horizons and while you may think your brain does need to zone out from time to time… changing your thought patterns has this effect and allows your mind to reset.
Technology plays a big role in our lives. It is easy to get carried away while scrolling through your Facebook feed or get caught up in the ‘discover tab’ on Instagram, this is exactly what these platforms want. So how do we check ourselves and not get carried away? Listening to podcasts has opened my mind and this week I was reminded of a piece I wrote last year about making time and space just to think.
I don’t think technology is decreasing our happiness. However, we do need to make time to work through our thoughts so that we can continue to use technology to our benefit and not get caught up in the virtual universe that can become overwhelming if we don’t allow ourselves time to come up for air.
Here are a couple of the podcasts for the last week. The topics range from marketing tips, social media updates, AI and IT developments, conversations and listening, and authenticity
- Authenticity, Kindness, and Self Love
- Ep 398: Melinda Wittstock Interview – Return on Authenticity
- Decoding Difficult Conversations
- Turning Customers into Tribes with Chandar Pattabhiram
- Creating and Achieving Buy-In on Innovative Ideas
- Ep. 035 – Breaking Social: F8 2019 Reveals The Private Future of Social
I am a strong believer in the opportunities that technology can unlock for us. However, we do need to be mindful of how and why we are using it. To end off, I thought you may enjoy this Ted Talk that caught my attention.