FIA announces their new board

The FIA held their annual Advisory council and a special board meeting. All members from the advisory council attended the meeting, held at the Capital Melrose.

The below article was release by the FIA and is available on their website, along with many other informative blogs.

Introducing your FIA Board of Directors
We would like to congratulate the newly elected and reappointed board members of the FIA. The Board composition is diverse in skills and expertise and we look forward to their input and strategic guidance over the next two years. As per the Rules of the FIA: Elected directors (2019-2021)

The six elected directors are elected by FIA members and serve for a period of two years. In an election year, the members are asked to nominate candidates, where after an election is held. An election process was held during the month of July 2019 – the elected directors are as follows: 

Ronald King
Peter Olyott
Prabashni Naidoo
Leo Morwedi
Arnold van der Linde
Theoniel McDonald

Four regional directors (2019-2020)
A regional director is elected from amongst the chairs and vice-chairs of the branches in that region. These directors are elected on an annual basis. The current regional directors are as follows: 

Nicola Iozzo (Rand region)
Wayne Axford (Central region)
Leon Swart (Coastal region)
Mercia van der Walt (Northern region)

Five executive committee chairs (2019-2020)
Chairs of the FIA’s executive committees are elected on an annual basis. The current chairs are as follows: 
Greg Setzkorn (Financial Planning)
Phil Britz (Employee Benefits)
Butsi Tladi (Healthcare) 
Barry Taylor (Short Term Insurance)
Marc du Plooy (Discretionary Investment Managers)

Advisory Council chair (2019-2020)
The FIA Advisory Council was held on 31 July and 1 August 2019. One of the tasks of the Advisory Council was to elect a chair & vice-chair for the next two year period. The meeting elected Riaan Geldenhuys (from the Coastal region) as Chair and Roy Mc Lachlan (from the Rand region) as vice-chair.
A special Board meeting was held on 1 August 2019 to elect a new President and Vice-President. Peter Olyott was re-elected as President and Butsi Tladi as Vice-President for the period 2019-2021.
Congratulations on your respective appointments. 

A special word of thanks goes to all members who give freely of their time to serve on the FIA Board and various committees. Thank you for always going ‘above and beyond’ in serving the FIA and its members.

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