#MKTE2019: Get to know Laikipia
The Magical Kenya Travel Expo (MKTE) is a B2B trade show organised by our partner On Show Solutions for whom we handle the MKTE social media and mailers to hosted buyers, exhibitors, hosted media, and trade.
In working on the mailers we shared some interesting information on Kenya with the international buyers ahead of their arrival in Kenya. In this short series we are also sharing this information with you.
Read the earlier blogs in this series here. We cover, basics about Kenya, Amboseli, Samburu, and Tsavo.
This week we are talking about Laikipia. Home to conservancies, black rhino, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and so much more!
Basic information about Laikipia
- Laikipia is a wilderness area in the north of Kenya
- There are a number of wildlife conservation sanctuaries and parks making Laikipia ideal for visitors looking to see and experience conservation
Reasons visitors will love Laikipia
- There is a large population of black rhinos in this area
- The Ol Pejeta Conservancy, in Laikipia, is one of the only wildlife protection areas that is home to very high numbers of endangered species
- Visitors can see wildlife such as the Big 5 and more than a thousand different mammals and bird species
- The Ol Pejeta Chimpanzee Sanctuary was created by the Old Pejeta Ranch and the Jane Goodall Institute. It is a safe haven for chimps from central Africa, rescued from the bush meat and pet trade
- The Lewa Conservancy is part of the Mount Kenya National Park/Natural Forest UNESCO World Heritage site
- Besides great wildlife, the Loisaba conservancy offers some of the most amazing views of big skies and vast open spaces
Are you a frequent traveller to Kenya? What do you think we should have included on this list? Tweet us and let us know.
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