Old-Hollardites’ reunion
Anyone who remembers this logo with fondness

was probably a Hollardite in the 90s and/or 2000s.
Were you ever on (or did you ever listen to) HIC Radio? Did you attend any conferences organised by Pete Laburn? Have you ever raced from Marhsalltown to Randburg for a meeting? Do you remember “it’s sorted”? Did you ever drink a tequila with Miles? Or dance to a tune played by the HIC-cups? Perhaps you were even a member of the HIC-cups!
If any of this stirs up a bit of nostalgia, please join us for a drink at Higher Ground, St Stithians on (lucky for some) Friday the 13th of March 2020 from 4pm. This isn’t a formal event, just a chilled gathering of a bunch of Hollard alumni to catch up and reminisce about the good old days.
Anyone who worked at Hollard in the 90s and 2000s is welcome to join. Please spread the word. No need to RSVP – just rock up. Carel and Colin will be there to get the walk down memory lane started.
There is a cash bar at the venue, plus a fantastic restaurant if anyone would like to (or needs to!) have dinner there. So feel free to pull in! It would be lekker to see you.