10th Shakespeare Schools Festival starts soon

Eleven days, 34 schools, 30-minutes each – these numbers sum up the Cape Town leg of the upcoming Shakespeare Schools Festival South Africa.
The format of the festival is pretty simple – each participating school gets 30 minutes to perform their adaptation of a Shakespeare play. The results can be quite magical. We attended last year in Johannesburg and totally loved the experience. (Read Schools festival shaking up Shakespeare.)
Since its pilot in 2009, Educape’s Shakespeare Schools Festival SA has grown from 20 learners during the pilot performance to over 2 000 youth across the country in the Western Province, Gauteng, KwaZulu-Natal, Eastern Cape and the Free State.
Since 2010, SSF SA has subsequently showcased 316 Shakespeare plays across South Africa, working with 6736 learners from 321 schools.
The festival will travel to other centres in South Africa in due course throughout the year. We will keep you abreast of its movements!
If you’re in Cape Town and would like to catch a play or two, visit the Fugard Theatre website by clicking on the link below:
Here are a few photos from the 2019 festival: