TED Circles with CN&CO 2020

A virtual way to connect – join our TED Circles event on 27 March

We visit TED.com regularly to clear our heads, have a laugh or get inspired. It’s become a popular past time and we, along with our associates and friends, value the thinking that the TED platform brings to the world.

In December 2019, while Carel was sitting in the audience at TED Women in Palm Springs, he shared the newly launched concept of TED Circles with Josh.

TED Circles is an open platform of small groups that meet for conversations about ideas.

It is hosted by volunteers, of which CN&CO is one. These weekly or monthly gatherings empower us to dream and debate. Each TED Circle is unique and all are virtually connected through the TED Circles platform, making it possible for local conversations to reach a global scale.

TED Talks open our minds, spark new ways of thinking and can lead to some very interesting conversations. Over the last few years, each week on a Tuesday a member from the team has picked a TED Talk and published it. Our TED Talk Tuesdays allow the CN&CO team to play their part on spreading ideas and helping to make the world a better place. Check out a few of the other TED Talk Tuesday picks HERE.

When CN&CO started in 2015, every few months we would get a group of people together at our HQ in Illovo for a ConFab session: an evening of wine, insights and networking – not necessarily in that order.

For each event we invited a guest speaker to chat about whatever they wanted to in the company of 20 or so clients, colleagues, friends, friends’ friends, and the odd gate crasher.

ConFabs were about bringing people together from a variety of professions, walks of life and with differing points of view to discuss whatever our guest speaker wanted to talk about – or anything that tickled their fancy, explains Carel.

Having not had a ConFab for a good while now, we are happy to announce that the idea of ConFabs has evolved and we will be relaunching our monthly sessions this Friday, for people to share ideas, converse and collaborate.

Just like our ConFabs, the aim is to stimulate thinking, spark conversations and put people in touch with each other who otherwise may not have met.

With the SA lockdown for 21 days on our doorstep, we will be hosting our first TED Circles session virtually and would love you to join us. The theme for March is “Who has power”. We will also touch on the corona virus (COVID-19) and the lockdown in South Africa.

So, save the date Friday 27 March at 6pm. Tune in from the comfort of your own home for an hour during which time we will watch two short TED Talks and engage in conversation with one another to help make the world a better place.

RSVP here

*Full details and video links will be shared with those who RSVP

TED Circles

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