Check out the latest e-dition of Easy ETFs magazine
The unstoppable Shaun Keeling of EasyEquities has published another issue of the popular and informative Easy ETFs magazine.
Shaun is legendary for his passion, which he applies to everything he does. No surprise, then, that he won an Olympic silver medal for rowing at the 2016 games in Rio. CN&CO has close ties with rowing, as the PR partner for the RMB National Squad. And, of course, we are big fans (and partners) of EasyEquities.
Shaun’s also a good mate to many of us at CN&CO. Carel even officiated at his wedding. (Too many stories to mention!)
Shaun describes the Easy ETFs magazine as “… a resource designed to provide helpful information on some of the exciting ETFs available on the JSE, as well as the ETF providers responsible for them!” He invites readers to use the August issue “… as a great way to keep in touch with what our ETF providers are thinking, the way they position their products, and their thought processes.
“With this research and knowledge at your fingertips you can stay on the ball and make the right, informed investment choices.”
If you have any questions about ETFs and what a fantastic investment instrument they make, contact Shaun on skeeling@purplegroup.co.za.
Now…. read the magazine here.