The Uluntu Project gives back
Over the last three Decembers Murray Charter and I have hosted the St Francis Bay Bowls Day, raising funds for the local community and encouraging people to give back. In 2019 we finalised the creation of the Uluntu Project and a broader vision that received support from other festive seasons events.
This year though, due to the current circumstances, will be a little different. It has been a tough one and it’s during challenging times that we should not forget about those less fortunate than ourselves. When we conceptualised this project we were determined to find a way to support the broader St Francis Bay community and over the last 3 years, thanks to your help, we have been able to do just that.
In 2019 we were extremely humbled and excited to be able to donated R109 000 to the Talhado Children’s Haven. A heart felt THANK YOU to each and every person who contributed, in both time and funds, to making the first formal year of the Uluntu Project a successful one. We were blown away by the support and the willingness of people to contribute to something that is far bigger than themselves. These funds were allocated to providing daily meals to the learners for the five days of the week that they were at school.
This year despite not being able to host you on the bowling greens at St Francis, we have the goal of raising R10 000 to make a donation to Thalhado Children’s Haven.
We have pledged R5000 towards this target and you can join us in giving back to the broader community by scanning the Zapper code below. You can also complete your donation here: https://pay.yoco.com/UluntuProject *this link takes you to a Nuttman page which is the name of Josh’s company, all funds collected are tracked and transferred accordingly for the donation.

Uluntu means community in IsiXhosa.
The world needs more community and for people to stand together, while physically separated, to address the problems we face. As the world, continues to combat the spread of COVID-19 we have been reflecting on what community means. Together we can achieve far more than if we tackle things on our own. This is a call to be mindful of those around you and to think about how you can play your part in contributing to the bigger picture.
By contributing and donating to the Ulunta Project you are helping to change lives and positively influence the development of future leaders in South Africa.
Let’s stand together while physically distant and remember the strength of community.
Stay safe world and best wishes for the festive season.
If you are keen to learn more about the project, check out the video below.