Submissions for the 10th annual Jozi Film Festival are open!

Joburg’s longest running multi-genre film festival, the Jozi Film Festival, opens its call for 2021 submissions today. Submissions will remain open until 23 July, with a late deadline of 13 August.

“We can’t believe we have been running for a decade!” says festival director, Lisa Henry. “We are very proud to be Johannesburg’s longest running multi-genre film festival.”

2021’s festival will open on Friday, 17th September and like 2020, be a hybrid of both a virtual festival and well as physical screenings.

“We looking forward to seeing how filmmakers have responded to the global pandemic and how that is reflected in the films that are submitted to us,” says Lisa.

All entries must be submitted via FilmFreeway

Visit the Jozi Film Festival website for more info and follow the fest on FacebookInstagram and Twitter.

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