Find that perfect placement
Finding the ideal candidate for a role in your business is a complex challenge. First you have to let people know you’re looking. Then you have to sift through countless CVs to decide on a long list… then a short list. Then you have to conduct the interviews and make a final decision – which is usually extremely tough, especially if you’re recruiting senior candidates.
At CN&CO we have placed many senior candidates over the years, thanks to our extensive professional networks and specialist recruitment skills.
“Recruitment is a very specialised process,” says CN&CO founder, Carel Nolte – who has built up some serious networks in the insurance and education spaces in the past 20 years or so. “Finding the right person is often driven more by instinct than anything else. You just get a feeling about someone when you meet them that says ‘yes, this is someone I could work with’, or ‘no, this person isn’t for us’.”
There are, of course, two sides to the coin, though. There are practical things that need to happen, like background and reference checks, salary comparisons, pre-interview screenings and many other “back-end” processes.
“We like to ensure that every candidate we put forward is suitable, both culturally and from a qualification and experience point of view,” says recruiter Michele Katz.
Michele has been recruiting for more than 20 years, with a specialist focus on the insurance industry.
“We recently branched out into the education sector and made a successful placement at a prominent school in Durban,” she says, “which goes to show that our skills are transferrable across industries.”
If you have a senior or specialist role you are looking to fill, get hold of Carel – carel@cnandco.com. He and Michele make a great team and will get your perfect placement sorted in record time.