Blue Recruiting achieves Level 2 B-BBEE status
Blue Recruiting has always believed in fair and equitable opportunity for people of all races, genders and cultural backgrounds. We are therefore proud and delighted to have achieved level 2 B-BBEE status and an empowering supplier! Which means you can claim 125% of your recruitment spend towards your B-BBEE procurement spend.
Our level 2 status proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that our efforts around inclusion and diversity have been producing uplifting results. Well done to the team and massive thanks to our clients and suppliers for all your assistance and support.
If you’re looking for the top finance candidates in South Africa and need a supplier who contributes to your B-BBEE status, contact Blue Recruiting today. Blue Recruiting is one of the top finance recruiters in South Africa and places candidates for most of the top corporate and commercial companies in SA.