Where were you at noon – 28 June 2023

In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, it’s important to pause and reflect on the moments that shape us, the blessings we often overlook, and the connections that make life meaningful.

In our June 2023 “Where were you at noon” on Wednesday, 28 June 2023, the updates from the team received were a beautiful reminder of the diversity and richness of experiences that weave through our lives.




As midnight turned into the early hours of the day, I found myself cradling my nearly three-week-old baby girl, Ariana, filling me with indescribable joy. At noon, I found myself at Team Barker Insurance HQ in Rosebank, planning their next month of communications. I also caught up with Rhett Barker, hearing about his & Lloyd Barker’s epic conquest of the Marathon Des Sables. It wasn’t just about the journey through the desert as they did it raising over R160K for the Qhubeka Foundation in the process (read more about it here). A reminder of the power of dedication and the impact one can make in life’s journey.


Just got back from taking Cody to the vet. He’s been limping. Turns out he’s got the start of elbow dysplasia – and he’s overweight, which means no more snacking! I am grateful to have him and his buddy Logan in my life. Dogs rock!


Finished an Osti workshop with the Ami team, followed by a stakeholder meeting with IIG, and am now off to a broker visit!



On the Nile, going from Luxor to Aswan. I have been infatuated by Egyptian history most of my life. And believe that traveling and learning from other cultures is one of the greatest gifts and privileges I have. Most grateful for opportunities to make memories with friends and family. And to live on the African continent.


I was invited to attend the National Geographic WILD #SharkFest launch at Caro Beach Club in Cape Town. Can’t wait to see these films launch on the NatGeo website from 1 July.

We got a sneak peek of a fascinating short film from the shores of SA.


Most grateful for my home. Always full of children with all their chaos and laughter. Headcount under 10 years today? 10 little rascals.

I’ve locked myself in my bathroom to plan and prep the Ami/Crawford Dougall strategy happening tomorrow. The bathroom for now is the only place they won’t find me! Plus the floor is heated in this very chilly weather. Love my nieces and nephews, my babes, and all the noise and nonsense!


At noon, I was busy reviewing clients’ social media content for July.

I’m most grateful for the people around me. There is an endless supply of support, encouragement, and love. From friends to colleagues to clients, my cup runs over.

Gianluca brings a touch of Italian flair to everything he does. His eye for detail, superior organisational skills and rare ability to nag relentlessly (in the nicest possible way) help to keep the team on track and on target. Say good things to him about Juventus and you’ll have a friend for life.